When I started practicing law long, long ago the paper folder was the default case file. I used them, but I was never content. They weren't sturdy. They ripped. The bendable metal prongs got distorted and bent to the point that getting papers in and out became impossible. Contents ripped. The prongs ripped out, and the folders fell apart.
Change comes slow to the legal profession. I stuck with those paper folders for a while, and I still see them in use by the majority of lawyers that I encounter. They work. I just yearned for something better. . . I found it!
Take a look at the paper spine on the photo at left. That is a piece of white paper in a clear plastic sleeve. Bindertek sells replacement paper spines, and has a software program you can use to create personalized labels for your binders.

The legal profession was one of Bindertek's original target markets. They continue to market other innovative products for us lawyers. Their website includes a Products For Your Law Office section. Therein you will find trial notebooks, practice area specific tabbing systems like personal injury, FAMILY LAW, deposition writing pads, and much, much more.
The one challenge to using binders is carrying them around. As files grow, the number of binders needed increases. One binder fits just fine into my leather briefcase. More than one can pose a challenge. Bindertek used to sell a handsome leather satchel that held two binders. I have one, and use it all the time. Unfortunately I don't see it on the website any more. They do have an extensive selection of other carriers and some beautiful leather briefcases.
So impressed am I with Bindertek that we now use their carousel shelf for storage, their dead file
storage supplies, there spine labels, their family law practice tabs, their exhibit tab and indexing systems, their travel cases. We have a few 1 inch spin binders that we load up for quick court appearances, depositions, and settlement meetings. I even have a couple of Bindertek's very impressive, very expensive leather binders that I use for special occasions.
Please visit hardinglaw.com for more information about Harding & Associates Family Law
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