Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts

September 10, 2017

Product Review: Twelvesouth Mac Book Pro case

True story. I was flying out of Istanbul, Turkey the very day that the Trump administration's laptop controls for air travel went into e...

July 29, 2017

The Joys of a Home Office

Da Bear . Therapist, Centurion, Expert Witness on the issue of napping, Counter Surfer First off, I am a firm believer in the traditional br...

July 28, 2017

And The Best New Laptop Is?

PC Magazine has release its list of best laptop computers for 2017. And the winner is? At an average street price of $265, the Acer Chromebo...

June 16, 2017

Great Tools to Broadcast your Windows Computer to a Big Screen TV

I have had a large, flat panel television hanging from my office wall for years. I use it to draft and review documents with clients, to sho...

March 28, 2017

Tech Tips from the Tech Show

I have never had the good fortune of attending the ABA's Tech Show . I hear it is awesome. The calendaring of the event just never seems...

October 28, 2016

The New Mac Book Pro

I carry an iPad Pro for most of my mobile work. It gives me internet access, and I can download client files and take them to court with me....

August 19, 2016

I have written a lot about the less paper law office. It is a great topic, that is always evolving. With so much of our technology moving to...

July 1, 2016

How About a Laptop for $220!

Whenever a new client comes in the door I tell him or her to go out and buy a cheap laptop to use to process their divorce and to create a n...

January 1, 2016

Refresh The Speed of Your iPhone Like every computer, iPhone's can get sluggish when their on-board memory gets stuffed. Here is...

September 1, 2015

Google's Got A Router

You know what wi-fi is.  It is our wireless path to the internet. It is the invisible beam that enables our computers, tablets, and smartpho...

March 5, 2015

Too Cool Keyboard for Handhelds

Want the latest, greatest keyboard for your smartphone or tablet. You have to check out the TextBlade . This teeny tiny gem incorporates int...

February 26, 2015

A Solid Portable Printer

I practice out of more than one office.  My home base is in Pleasanton.  My satellite office is in Walnut Creek.  Our Walnut Creek office is...

February 24, 2015

New Pebble Smartwatch Out

The new Pebble Time lineup Pebble is one of the pioneers of the smartwatch world, having launched its first product in 2012. The latest offe...

February 4, 2015

Tablet Sales Waaayyyy Down

As reported by USA Today tablet sales are way down, including the iPad.  According to the report: "Fourth quarter and year end tablet ...

December 21, 2014

Fax Machines Are The New Dinosaurs

In 1991 fax machines were a big deal. Unbox the hardware. Throw in a roll of thermal paper. Plug in to the phone line. Then Shazam we were ...

November 3, 2014

ScanSnap iX500 Scanner

The iX500 - What A Beauty We are in our second decade of being a paperless law firm. The ability to access documents anytime, anywhere is a ...

October 27, 2014

The Everki Versa - Stuff Your Case

Yeah I have briefcase lust.  After watches briefcases are probably my most obsessive indulgence. Since law school I think I have used at lea...

October 26, 2014

Binders and Bags

When I started practicing law long, long ago the paper folder was the default case file. I used them, but I was never content. They weren...

October 12, 2014

Lawyer Has Phone, Will Practice

A smartphone is an essential tool for any lawyer who does any work away from the office.  My Apple love carries through to my phone, an iPho...

September 2, 2014

Macs In The Law Office Websites/Blogs/Articles

I am really jumping on the bandwagon for Macs! With the advancement of cloud computing, and since learning of Windows Virtualization , I am ...
