Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

September 10, 2017

Product Review: Twelvesouth Mac Book Pro case

True story. I was flying out of Istanbul, Turkey the very day that the Trump administration's laptop controls for air travel went into e...

October 28, 2016

The New Mac Book Pro

I carry an iPad Pro for most of my mobile work. It gives me internet access, and I can download client files and take them to court with me....

January 1, 2016

Refresh The Speed of Your iPhone Like every computer, iPhone's can get sluggish when their on-board memory gets stuffed. Here is...

September 20, 2015

iOS Battery Drain

Thanks to for this graphic! Please visit for more information about Harding & Associates Family Law  #Ha...

May 29, 2015

Very Impressive iPad Trial App

TabLit Applications has relesed its TabLit: Trial Notebook app for the iPad.  I must admit, from what I have seen it looks pretty darn good....

February 4, 2015

Tablet Sales Waaayyyy Down

As reported by USA Today tablet sales are way down, including the iPad.  According to the report: "Fourth quarter and year end tablet ...

October 17, 2014

Apple's Yosemite OS X available for download

Apple's latest Mac operating system, Yosemite , is now available for free download at the Apple Store.  I am running it.  I do like the ...

September 2, 2014

Macs In The Law Office Websites/Blogs/Articles

I am really jumping on the bandwagon for Macs! With the advancement of cloud computing, and since learning of Windows Virtualization , I am ...

August 30, 2014

FutureLawyer First To Leak New iWatch

We have all been waiting a long, long, long time for Apple's iWatch.  Rumors are that when it actually hits the street it is going to be...

August 29, 2014

Running Windows Software On A Mac

Our mainline computers at the firm are Windows machines.  However, my laptop is a Mac Book Pro and my home computer is a Mac.  The Macs are...

June 24, 2014

BIGGER iPhones on the Way

As reported by , Apple is about to release two new, bigger iPhones. One model will have a 4.7-inch display, compared to the 4-...

May 21, 2014

Finally! A flash drive for Apple iDevices

How do you move files and other stuff to your iPad and iPhone?  By Dropbox?  By iTunes? By a file sharing app?  They work, but none are real...

March 6, 2014

A Moveable Office

I consider myself a true road warrior.  It all started more than eighteen years ago when I wanted to work from home so I could be around our...

February 26, 2014

Take A Peek At This

Peek is a new calendar app for the iPhone.  I am using it, and I am liking it.  A bit of the back story.  I like the resident calendar on m...

January 22, 2014

This Would Be A Cool Smart Watch

Smart watches are the next big thing in mobile technology.  Think of an iPhone miniaturized and strapped to your wrist. Not only will smart ...
